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Vignettes for Ukraine:

I wrote these vignettes because I didn’t know what else to do. 

I posted them on LinkedIn with links to The UN Refugee Agency’s Ukrainian donation page.

I published an AMA yesterday morning. 
I planned to spend the day answering questions. 
Then I turned on the news and couldn’t turn it off. I just had to sit there and watch: 
The news played a video of a Ukrainian family in a bomb shelter, a dark, cold room. The adults were singing in the darkness. They were singing to keep their children calm. 
And I recognized the song. I knew it. 
Because I was born in Kyiv:
Those songs are my songs.Those words are my words. Those people are my people. 
The shock is only now beginning to wear off. 


my Mama & Papa c. 1986 in beautiful Kyiv: 


Mom pulled out the photo album yesterday. 
We sat at the table and flipped through the pages. 
She stopped on a picture: “This was our last apartment before we left,” she said, “the last place we lived in Kyiv.”
“Which building?” I said. 
“On the left.”
“This one?”
“Da, the yellow one,” she tapped on the picture, “this was our balcony… this was our window… this one, too.” 
I studied the building. “I didn’t know that,” I said. 
“Da, da,” she said, “you lived there.”
I took the picture out of its sleeve and looked at it.
Mom reached across the table for a napkin. She folded it in her hand. “I really hope nothing happens to it,” she said. 


Please, when you donate today, your compassionate gift will be matched by Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds — up to $1 million.

Double your impact to send lifesaving aid to Ukrainian families in need.