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I usually work on these 3 things at once, switching my focus every 2 hours. 

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When I work this way, I find that each task nourishes the others — and I become full of ideas, lightning in a bottle!

This will happen to you, too, thanks to an automatic process called Incubation.

Incubation is when your brain subconsciously makes new connections. And then those connections suddenly, randomly bubble up to your conscious mind. (Some people call their best connections “lightbulb moments.”)

There’s a great quote in Mad Men, when Don Draper, Creative Director, is helping Peggy, a copywriter, incubate: 

“Peggy,” said Don, “just think about it, deeply. Then forget it. And an idea will jump up in your face.”

Of course, there are infinite ways to distract yourself and spur incubation. 

You can be concentrating on your breathing during a run. Or scrubbing your feet in the shower. Or unloading the dishwasher in the kitchen. And then suddenly, randomly, your subconscious will make a connection that feeds your conscious brain an idea.

So no, there’s no wrong way to incubate.

But if you do so by alternating tasks, your productivity will probably increase.

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