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Word picture

How to paint a picture with words:

2 steps… 

Step 1: Zoom in on a brief moment.

Imagine a 60-something woman. She’s wearing blue jeans, a pink shirt, Keds.

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Her hair is thick and short and silver. She’s walking hand-in-hand with a little boy who won't stop jumping.

The woman was my grandma, my babushka, in 1992.

I was the boy — and I was about to see a miracle:

It was hot. July. We were on our daily walk, a mile from the nearest glass of water. I licked my lips.

“I want water!” I said. “I NEED WATER!”

Grandma was patient. And calm. And magical.

“You want a drink?” she said.


“Well I brought a thermos full of tea,” she picked up a stick. “Do you want tea instead?" She knew I loved tea.


“Then make me a cup,” she tucked my thumb down and curled my fingers around it.

“Hold still,” she said, pouring the tea into my tiny clenched fist.

“oh-kay,” I said, motioning for her to stop just before the liquid spilled over.

“oh-kayyy, babushka!”

“OK,” she said. “Drink.”

I put my fingers to my lips and drank. My elbow rose with each gulp.

“ahhh,” I said. It was good. I felt better.

Step 2: Hold some details back.

The Reader’s imagination will fill in the gaps better than you think.


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